All posts by indyfotos

About indyfotos

I am an experienced event photographer, based in the Gloucestershire area.

Dismaland Review 2015

As soon as I found out about Dismaland  in the nearby seaside town Weston Super Mare, I was on the website trying to book tickets to this amazing 5 week Event created by Banksy the Bristolian street artist..

Unfortunately I tried the website around five to six times constantly clicking on the calendar to book a ticket. In the end I gave up thinking I had been to slow to get a ticket. I checked all my social media platforms mainly Twitter to find out if I had just been unlucky and loads of people would be tweeting smug comments about going to the theme park. As I scanned through my feed no one had managed to get tickets. I knew the queue would be major but I decided I needed to see Banksy’s next creation. I arrived at the Tropicana at around 10:00am on Saturday 22nd August the first day Dismaland opened to the public. The queue looked horrendous as I made my way through the gated area I was around half way through the first queue and predicted a three hour waiting time. The day was sunny and everyone was excited to see Dismaland. Many people had travelled pretty far to get to the park.

Dismaland at Weston Tropicana Lido
As it turned 11am the other people beside me in the queue were in two minds in leaving due to the vast length of the queue and the time it would take to eventually see Dismaland. I convinced them to stay as I was really enthusiastic to what we would see in the park and how great to be one of the first few thousands to experience the delights of Dismaland. The queue was moving steadidly now as I reached the ticket office to pay and get my wrist band. It was great knowing I had paid and surely this meant I would get to see the theme park today! I carried on round and had a quick bag check by security. I was now in the second gated queue that little bit closer to the magic of Dismaland.

Dismaland Wrist Band
As I was waiting I posted a few pictures on my social media accounts and checked the time around hundred times. It was getting close to 1pm the time I thought  I would eventually get in to Dismaland. I checked the time and it was around 13:20 when I was at the front of the queue, literally minutes away of entering Dismaland. They were allowing around ten people to enter the park at a time. Our group crossed over the street to the entrance of the old Tropicana lido and we were greeted by a misareble couple of girls with pink hi vis jackets on and micky mouse ears. One of the Dismaland staff members asked how long we had waited in the queue for and a guy in our group said three hours. In a mono tone she told him “It’s not worth it” We all laughed and headed in to the security section just before the entrance to Dismaland. The security room was awesome and every piece off equipment was made out of cardboard including the CCTV cameras. After being verbally abused by the security guard I entered Dismaland. 

I was so excited as I tried to look at everything at once. I had a quick look round and headed straight for the castle that looked like a run down version of the Disneyworld castle. The castle was pitch black and I was scared to enter. I walked through and was pretty impressed with what I saw. I then started going to every section of the park taking a photo every two seconds.

I really had had enough of queuing for the day but I needed to see what this place had to offer. I joined the queue for the art gallery which took about twenty minutes for me to get into another pitch black room with loads of flashing lights and weird exhibits. The art gallery was amazing full of outstanding art work by various artists. My favourite piece I saw in the art gallery was a shark painting by Josh Keyes an American contemporary artist.

Art by Josh Keyes
I stayed in the art gallery for quite a while and looked at all the amazing creations it had to offer. I then headed back into the main park area and found another queue to join. This queue was quick and painless waiting to get into a small circus tent in which I had a quick look round and saw the Damien Hurst exhibit. A few hours later I was satisfied I had seen every part of Dismaland. I checked around and finally went up some stairs to a roof bar terrace, sounds a lot nicer than I’m making out. I took my last few photos of the whole park then I saw the sign for ‘Exit through the gift shop’ I couldn’t resist buying a tshirt and programme. As I left I was actually sad to leave and so happy I had decided to make this trip to one of the weirdest places I’d ever been to. 

This Banksy art exhibition is not around for long and has been thought out to the last detail. If you can make it to Dismaland in the seaside town of Weston Super-mare it’s definitely an experience you will never forget.


Why Street Art Never Stays Around Forever 

I love street art and taking as many pictures of it as I can. The main reason I document street art is because it never stays around forever. No matter how great you or the next person thinks the piece of art is, there are certain factors that help to destroy street art as soon as the paint dries. These factors include:

1. Taggers are the main culprits. A tagger is someone who wants to destroy other people’s art work. I mainly think it’s through jealousy of the artists work or they think they can do better themselves. It may just be through boredom and it’s just a joke to tag another persons work. When it comes to street art unfortunately there are no rules and everything is fair game.

2015-07-27 18.56.55
Bedminster, Bristol skate park July 2015.


2. Local authorities have to maintain a certain standard within towns or cities. The council will cover up street art pretty much within a week or so. There is always an exception to the rule if it’s a Banksy piece this usually stays as they are interested in the money aspect or tourism that can and would benefit the town or city.

The Banksy in Cheltenham Spa.

3. Property Owners If a building is graffitied without the consent of the owner the street art is likely to be painted over. Sometimes it may stay but this would be at the owners discretion.

2015-07-26 17.35.32-1
Building over looking the Bedminster, Bristol, skate park.

4. Demolition Many derelict buildings will have some kind or graffiti inside the property or on the outside. Unfortunately these buildings are sometimes condemned and likey to be torn down. There is usually no time frame and luckily many buildings are around for a long time before they get demolished.

Prince of Wales pub, Gloucester demolished in July 2015.


Upfest Review 2015

Europe’s largest Street art festival, Upfest, North Street, Bedminster, Bristol.

Upfest is a free street art festival which includes, live painting, music, bands, market stalls, spray painting lessons and many local businesses getting involved to promote the event which is held on the last weekend in July.

Upfest helps support local businesses in Bedminster and a lot of their income comes from the busy weekend at the end of July.  The festival started in 2008 and has proved extremely popular among Bristol residents in North Street, Bedminster. The festival also attracts visitors from all around the country that attend to see the live painting from over 250 street artists from all over the world.

Upfest 2015

There is also a Upfest gallery shop on North street, where you can find and purchase many pieces of artwork from the artists involved in the festival. Since Upfest began it has supported and has raised money for a local Bristol charity:

 The National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACOA).


Upfest 2015 has been promoted really well this year via social media pages and has also had featured articles after the event in The Times, The Guardian and the Telegraph Newspapers.

Due to Upfest being free and family friendly it’s an excellent festival to visit. All ages can get involved in activities put on by the festival.

There is also a chance to speak to your favourite artists taking part in the event.

Here is a select few pictures from Upfest 2015.

Art by Diff
Art by @LoneWolfVisuals
Art by Beastie

Cut it Out Review 2015

Please go check out Cut it Out Street Art Exhibition at Gloucester City Museum featuring Beastie a Gloucester based street Artist, Zabou a French street artist and Tankpetrol a Manchester based artist. 

Would not like to give too much away, but this exhibition is definitely worth a visit. The exhibition caters for all age groups and is set in the heart of Gloucester City centre. 

The artwork is also on sale to purchase from the artists. The gallery is showing the art from today till 20th June. Plenty of time to get down and check it all out! 

Would like to say thank-you to Free Heart Friday! Found a cute keyring on my way into the exhibition. 

Here is a quick sneak peak….




Was great to see another streetart event in Gloucester! Keep them coming!! 

How the Devil does Social Media work for Business 6 Top Tips! No Jargon Included! 

1. If you like talking Twitter is perfect. The whole point of twitter is not to be corporate and talk to customers on a level they would appreciate! As soon as you get into the habit of starting a conversation and asking questions with potential leads it will payoff.

2. Facebook works differently. Most users scan their feed quickly so any advertisement has to be eye catching and worth a look! Photos, infographics, videos, pictures any multimedia works best on Facebook to draw attention to your brand! 

3. Pinterest is gaining vast amounts of users everyday. The key to Pinterest is commitment keep finding images for your boards and build up a profile. This will take time and effort but worth it in the long run! In business this works best for creative products, such as fashion, jewellery, art, furniture making and baking. 

4. Write a blog! Blogging is needed in every business, company or organisation. A blog will help to sell your service or product. Customers love finding information out about products and services without having to ask! This is also great for SEO and building a fan base who will share your interesting content. 

5. Eventually Social media for business will be a 24/7 gig. If you are consistent on your social media results will show. Choose a social media platform that fits for you.The key to social media is time and consistency.

6. The most positive thing about social media for business is most cities or towns have a social media community you can get involved in! You just have to find it! 


Bondi Beach skateboarding scene

The skatepark is set right on the sea front and was packed full of skaters and spectators. The skate park has a big bowl and rails all around!
It’s has also held the Vans skateboarding competition and the Bowlarama skate contest.


Bondi Skate Park, Bondi Beach Promonade Queen Elizabeth Drive, Bondi Beach NSW 2026, Australia



These pictures below show how close the beach is to the skatepark right on the sea front!



This is a very spacious skate park and has great views around the whole park! Definitely the right place to go in Australia to see talented skaters or to try it out yourself!

5 Reasons why I Love Banksy Street Art

1. Banksy’s pieces usually hold a meaning about politics and controversy which is always open to debate by his fans and the media.


2. The Bristol museum Banksy exhibition held in June 2009 was a great insight into Banksy and the issues and debates he feels strongly about.


3. Banksy has shown how graffiti/ street art has moved on over the years and more and more people see graffiti    as art



4. He recently created a piece in Cheltenham spa, which has since been defaced but here it is in it’s former glory!



5. I feel Banksy’s influence has made it easier for street artists to create art. More events, venues, cities and towns now have legalised areas to spray such as under passes, skate parks, legal walls, paint jams and festivals.